Thursday, June 11, 2009

We Are One In The Spirit

We Are One In The Spirit ... A Reflection on The Ascension

We are one with the universe, and we are one with The Spirit. Very often we do not realize that. When we do embrace that reality, however, it quickens our spiritual energy and allows us access to higher realms of consciousness. It is when we are in those higher realms where lies the awareness that we are more than just finite physical beings living one life in one place at one point in time. Connecting with this awareness is to awaken to the truth and take a step forward, and upward, on our spiritual journey. This upward movement is known as ascension because the more we remember who we are and we mbody that truth, the higher our energy vibrates. We ascend up the scale from the physical sense of being and acknowledge our spiritual existence. As we ascend, we gain consciousness of the more subtle aspects of our being, with the ultimate outcome being a complete identification with the light that lives within us. The light which is released subtly with each breath we take. The light which explodes forward when we ascend past our earthbound existence.

As we look around ourselves, we see that many people are not even the least bit interested in these ideas. Others are open and embracing of these realities. Still others have devoted their lives to deepening their understanding of the truth. All these people are on the path of spiritual ascension, but we ascend at different rates while here on Earth. We each choose our own path. The more devoted a person is to embracing and being guided by The Spirit, the more quickly our level of consciousness will ascend. These people are at the forefront of an important process of raising the energetic vibration of the whole planet.

The earth, made of the same energy and from the same God as we are, is undergoing this shift along with us. This evolutionary process, while seemingly chaotic at times, is as natural as the process that unfolds a flower from a seed and we are all part of it.

We also need to acknowledge and remember that the Earth is also on her own ascension path as she is sentient.

The best way to support this process in ourselves and in the world is simply to relax and be open to its unfolding. We need to listen to our inner guidance, The Spirit, and let it guide us to the path that brings our hearts the most joy.

After all, that is simply what God wants for us.

There is a wonderful song written by Peter Scholte. In the spirit of interfaith alliance, I am excluding the chorus because I do not believe that God's unconditional love is limited to Christianity. Please also view the YouTube link:

We are One in The Spirit

We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
We are One in The Spirit,
We are One in The Lord.
And we pray that all unity may one day be restored.

We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
We will work with each other,
We will work side by side.
And we'll guard each man's dignity
And save each man's pride.

We will walk with each other,
We will walk hand in hand.
We will walk with each other,
We will walk hand in hand.
And together we'll spread the News
that God is in our land.

Now wouldn't it be grand if we would just allow ourselves to be one in The Spirit and one in The Lord?

What a world, what a life it would be; and God would be so pleased, I believe He would weep.

With love & light,


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