Monday, May 11, 2009

The Sun Is Always Shining

This past week was "Earth Week". I was able to break away from the day to day stress of life and spend a little time enjoying the wonders of this great world. I took some time Friday afternoon to enjoy the beautiful 85 degree weather and bask in the sun on the pier in midtown Manhattan, taking the time to reflect a bit.

These are very difficult times that we are living in. Most of us are suffering from financial hardships, which can often affect our relationships with others.

Many of us weep deeply inside as our hearts hold the hands of loved ones as they succumb to health ebbing away.

It is then that it is so easy for us to miss the beauty that surrounds us and forget to take time to give thanks to God for our life here and all that has been granted us for our pleasure.

There are times when the harshness of life's realities causes us to lose sight of the light.

It is at these times when just the thought of the sun can help us. Its warm, glowing rays brighten our thoughts and it is good to remember that - despite appearances - the sun is shining right now, even though we may not be able to see it at this very moment.

If clouds block our view, they are only filtering the suns light temporarily.

If darkness has fallen, we know that the sun is still shining at that very moment somewhere not too far away, and it's only a matter of time before it will shine on us again.

When we remember that the sun is shining, we know that things are still in motion in God's great universe.

Even when life feels like it is at a standstill, if not a free fall, all we need to do is have faith and wait for the time when everything is in its perfect place. Or we can choose to follow the sun and continue doing our work and shining our own light, even when we can't see results.

Remember that Beatles song?

"Tomorrow may rain so, I'll follow the sun"

By "following the sun", we exercise our patience in faith, making sure we are prepared for when opportunity knocks and all other elements are in their right and perfect places..

The sun also reminds us that our own shining truth is never extinguished. The Light of God, our light, shines within us at all times, no matter what else occurs around us. Although we have have our own clouds that temporarily filter our light from within, we know that our light is shining somewhere, not too far away.

Though the sun gives us daily proof of its existence, sometimes our belief in our own light requires more time. If we think back, however, we can find moments when it showed itself and trust that we will see it again.

Like the sun, our light - the Light of God - is the energy that connects us to the movements of the universe and the cycles of life and it is present at all times, whether we feel its glow or not.

So, once again, I wish you love & light,


Let The Sun Shine In !

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